
Comparing the Top App for Hairdressers: A Comprehensive Guide

Aug 18, 2023 | Indie Insights

Choosing the right app for hairdressers is essential for managing appointments, client relationships, and business growth. In this blog, we will compare the top three apps for hairdressers: Square Appointments, Fresha, Timely, and our very own Unwritten app. Let’s dive into the features and benefits of each platform.

Square Appointments

Square Appointments is a versatile scheduling app for hairdressers that offers:

  • Online Booking: Clients can book appointments online 24/7.
  • Calendar Management: Manage staff schedules and availability.
  • Payment Processing: Accept payments online or in-person.
  • Customer Notifications: Send automated reminders and follow-ups.

Pricing: Free for individuals, subscription for additional features

Pros: User-friendly interface, integration with other Square products, versatility for different types of businesses

Cons: May not be tailored to the specific needs of sole trader freelance hairdressers, some features may cause overwhelm


Fresha is a top-rated salon software with standard features:

  • Seamless Online Booking: Professional appointment booking experience.
  • Automated Reminders: Emails and texts to reduce no-shows.
  • POS Capabilities: good payment processing rates.
  • Client Reviews: Increase sales through the Fresha marketplace.
  • Free Subscription: No subscription fee, with transaction fees for new clients and payment processing.Pros: No subscription costs, easy booking system, client notificationsCons: Less customisation, Charges a percentage for online bookings that are made


Timely offers an app for hairdressers especially those with staff and in multi locations

  • Client Retention Tools: Timely Rewards to reward loyal clients.
  • Easy Appointment Management: Prioritise and manage clients efficiently.
  • Pricing Plans: Various plans including INNOVATE, ELEVATE, BUILD, and BASIC, starting from $25 AUD per staff member per month.Pros: solid booking experience, scalable for different business sizes,Reporting toolsCons: Less focus on individual freelance hairdressers, subscription can be costly

Unwritten App

The Unwritten app is a new app for hairdressers, specifically designed for Aussie independent and sole trader hairdressers. Here’s why it stands out:

  • Take Bookings, Manage Appointments: Easy-to-use calendar and customisable 24/7 online booking system with automatic reminders to reduce no-shows.
  • Enjoy Ultimate Retail Flexibility and Earn More: Sell Unwritten Products & Earn Commission, Buy Leading Brands Wholesale, Sell Leading Brands Without Holding Stock.
  • Get Paid Your Way: Take card or cash, split payments, apply discounts, and send refunds, all through the App.
  • Exclusively for Indie Hairdressers: Stop paying for features you don’t use; Unwritten is built specifically for independent hairdressers.
  • Earn While on Holidays or Sick: Earn commissions on Unwritten product sales.
  • Get Indie-Savvy Dedicated Support: No need to pay extra for support; personalised assistance to get you up and running.
  • 100% Free: No hidden fees, no strings attached. Only pay for optional SMS appointment reminders and standard transaction fees.
  • Community Endorsements: Praised by independent hairdressers for its seamless functionality, ease of use, and comprehensive features
  • Profit Share: Unwritten offers a profit share scheme to its users to share in its success, the more products your buy and sell the bigger your share.

Pros: Tailor-made app for hairdressers who work solo, intuitive friendly design, integrated wholesale and retail product supply, access to top professional haircare brands, affordable and value-driven, available on both Android and Apple

Cons: Not suitable for multi-staff salons, gyms, yoga studios, or general retail shops

While Square Appointments, Fresha, and Timely are the three heavyweights of the sector and offer robust solutions for salons, the Unwritten app stands out as the best app for hairdressers who operate as sole traders or freelancers. Its focus on individual professionals, ease of use, affordability, and the ability for individuals to create a passive income off product sales. This alone makes it the ideal choice for freelance hairdressers looking to grow their business.