
Unwritten Revive The Reef Tour 2024

Jul 8, 2024 | Indie Insights

What is the Revive the Reef Tour?

The ‘Revive the Reef Tour’ is an exciting and impactful initiative launched by Unwritten Hair, aimed at bringing together independent hairdressers for a noble cause. The tour is not just about social meet-ups and professional networking; it’s a journey of education and direct action to support the Reef Restoration Foundation (RRF) in its mission to help coral reefs adapt to the changing environment. Starting in Sydney, the tour will travel all the way to Bamaga on the Cape York Peninsula and back, with multiple stops for engaging meet-ups and educational sessions. A highlight of the tour will be a sit-down with Ryan Donnelly, the CEO of Reef Restoration Foundation, in Cairns on August 16th.

The Importance of Your Support

Your involvement is crucial to the success of the ‘Revive the Reef Tour.’ By donating to our fundraising campaign, you directly contribute to the adaptation and resilience of coral reefs. Your donations will help fund the operation of coral spawning stock nurseries that produce about a billion additional coral larvae for reefs in the Cairns region. This initiative is a direct action to combat the effects of climate change on coral reefs, ensuring their survival and prosperity for future generations.

About Reef Restoration Foundation

The Reef Restoration Foundation is at the forefront of reef restoration on the Great Barrier Reef. Their signature Resilience & Recovery program addresses the severe and widespread coral bleaching caused by climate change. The program has two main objectives:

  1. Create Spawning Stock: By establishing midwater nurseries, the foundation aims to produce a billion additional coral larvae each year to build reef resilience during favorable conditions.
  2. Protect and Turbo Charge Recovery: During periods of warm water and wild weather, the nurseries are lowered to preserve spawning stock. This strategy helps turbo charge reef recovery during adverse conditions.

The foundation’s aim is to slow biodiversity decline by accelerating natural processes of renewal and recovery. The corals in these nurseries, which are species-rich and genetically diverse, grow about five times faster than they do on the reef. With plans to integrate shore-based coral aquaculture into their program by 2025, the output from this easily replicated initiative is expected to be enormous.

For more information about their incredible work, visit Reef Restoration Foundation.

Reef Restoration Foundation

Why Coral Reefs Matter

Coral reefs are often called the “rainforests of the sea” due to their incredible biodiversity. These vibrant ecosystems cover less than 1% of the ocean floor but are home to about 25% of all marine species. Coral reefs provide critical habitat and nutrition for countless marine organisms, protect coastlines from erosion and storm damage, and generate billions of dollars in tourism revenue. They are also a source of new medicines, including treatments for cancer, arthritis, and bacterial infections.

The Crisis Facing Coral Reefs

However, coral reefs are in crisis. Climate change, pollution, overfishing, and destructive practices like coral mining and blast fishing have severely damaged these ecosystems. This has led to coral bleaching, reduced biodiversity, and the loss of essential services that reefs provide. If we don’t take action now, we risk losing these invaluable ecosystems forever.

The Tour Itinerary

Starting Point: Sydney

Our journey begins in Sydney, where we will gather a community of passionate hairdressers and conservation enthusiasts. The launch event will include presentations on the state of coral reefs and the importance of the Revive the Reef initiative. Participants will have the opportunity to network and share their experiences and ideas for contributing to reef conservation.

Coastal Meet-Ups

As we travel up the coast, we will make several stops for meet-ups with local hairdressers. These events will serve as platforms for discussing sustainable practices in the hairdressing industry and how they can support reef conservation efforts. One of the key meet-ups will be on Friday, August 2nd, at Freedom Suites in Newstead, Brisbane. This event is open to all hairdressers and will feature guest speakers from the Reef Restoration Foundation, providing insights into their groundbreaking work.

Highlight: Cairns and Ryan Donnelly

A significant highlight of the tour will be our stop in Cairns on August 16th, where we will have an in-depth session with Ryan Donnelly, CEO of Reef Restoration Foundation. During this event, we will present Ryan with the donations raised throughout the tour. Participants will learn about the latest advancements in reef restoration and how their support is making a tangible difference.

Final Destination: Sydney

After traveling all the way to Bamaga at the northern tip of the Cape York Peninsula, the tour will loop back to Sydney, covering approximately 7,000 kilometers in total. This final leg of the journey will provide a unique opportunity to connect with nature and reflect on the importance of our mission.

Join the Movement

We invite you to be a part of this incredible journey. By supporting the ‘Revive the Reef Tour,’ you are contributing to a cause that has far-reaching implications for the health of our oceans and the future of our planet. Whether you donate, participate in our events, or spread the word, your involvement is invaluable. DONATE NOW

How You Can Help

  • Purchase: Buy any Unwritten haircare wet line product and during the 15th July and 15th August we will donate 50c per bottle to the RRF (double our normal contribution).
  • Donate: Your financial contributions are crucial for funding coral spawning stock nurseries and other reef restoration activities. Every dollar makes a difference. DONATE
  • Participate: Join us at one of our meet-ups along the tour. Engage with like-minded individuals and learn how you can make a positive impact.
  • Spread the Word: Share our mission with your network. Raise awareness about the importance of coral reefs and the urgent need for conservation.

The ‘Revive the Reef Tour’ is more than just a journey; it’s a movement dedicated to preserving one of the most important ecosystems on our planet. By combining the power of community with the expertise of the Reef Restoration Foundation, we aim to make a lasting impact on the health of the Great Barrier Reef. Your support is essential to our success, and together, we can revive the reef and protect our underwater paradise for future generations. Join us on this remarkable journey and be a part of the solution.

Let’s revive the reef and protect our underwater paradise!